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Google offers virtual tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites
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Google offers virtual tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites

Google offers virtual tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites

Explore Mount Kilimanjaro, the Taj Mahal, Yosemite National Park and many other locations.

Kris Holt
K. Holt
April 19th, 2021
Google offers virtual tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites |
TheUntravelledWorld via Getty Images

Travel is still not viable for many of us amid restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Yet there are some ways you can explore some of the world’s cultural landmarks and most notable sites of natural beauty from the safety of your home. One option is Google Arts & Culture, which just added many UNESCO World Heritage sites to its library of virtual tours.

Through the Explore UNESCO World Heritage hub, you can explore sites such as the canals of France, the Colosseum, Mount Kilimanjaro and volcanoes in South Korea. You can also view the instantly recognizable landscape of Rio de Janeiro, check out the Taj Mahal and virtually swim with whales in Mexico.

The tours are a useful way to stay connected to our collective history when visiting these sites in person is largely off the table. They could prove valuable resources for educators as well, helping them to teach students about natural and cultural heritage. The tours include information on the likes of Yosemite National Park, ancient pilgrimage routes in northern Spain and the Great Pyramids of Giza.

The World Heritage sites join a litany of important cultural touchstones in Google Arts & Culture, including exhibits of many major museums, the history of electronic music and augmented-reality galleries.

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