Pinned December 8, 2020

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Google shows off ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ running on Stadia at 4K
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Google shows off ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ running on Stadia at 4K

Igor Bonifacic, @igorbonifacic

November 27, 2020
Google shows off 'Cyberpunk 2077' running on Stadia at 4K |

We’ve seen gameplay footage of Cyberpunk 2077 running on RTX-equipped PCs, the previous generation of consoles, as well as the PS5 and Xbox Series X through backward compatibility. And now you can get a sense of what the game looks like on Google Stadia with a five-minute trailer that provides a last-minute look at CD Projekt Red’s new game before its December 10th release date.   

This trailer is worth checking out even if you don’t plan on playing the title on Stadia, as it’s available to watch in 4K. Purchasing Cyberpunk 2077 on Stadia is a good option if you don’t have the most modern PC or worry about how the game will perform on the base PS4 and Xbox One. For what it’s worth, CD Projekt co-CEO Adam Kicinski recently said performance on those models is “surprisingly good,” and the minimum PC requirements aren’t too bad

Google would certainly like you to buy the game on Stadia, so much so that it’s offering a special incentive to do so. If you purchase the game through Google before December 17th, the company will send you a Stadia Premiere Kit. The bundle comes with a white Stadia controller, a Chromecast Ultra, and a complimentary one-month subscription to Stadia Pro if you’re new to the service. Stadia’s premium tier will allow you to play the game in 4K — provided you have a fast and stable internet connection.  

One word of warning: if you want to go into the story blind, don’t watch the trailer as it details some of the early story beats of Cyberpunk 2077, including the relationship your character will have with Keanu Reeves’ Johnny Silverhand.  


