Google’s Inbox App Now Supports Trello & GitHub

Google is making its Inbox email app more powerful with new integrations

Starting with Trello and GitHub

Google is adding new third-party integrations to its Inbox email app for project management service Trello and code repository GitHub. Now, when users receive emails related to projects from either of those companies, Inbox will format the messages as it does with travel, event, and newsletter emails. For Trello, you’ll get a bulleted summary of recent activity on a project card, while GitHub emails will now display code changes and filed issues. Messages from either service will also include options to open the respective apps if accessed from an Android or iOS device.

These type of app integrations appear to be the next step for Inbox, which has proven to be a fertile testing ground for Google’s Gmail team to reimagine how email functions. Beyond its sleek and uncluttered design, Inbox reorients the idea of email around things users need to keep track of — concerts, flights, to-do lists — and how that process can be more efficient when a message’s information is extracted and rearranged.

Google's Inbox App Now Supports Trello & GitHub

Beyond Trello and GitHub integrations, the Gmail team has added a couple features many users have requested for quite some time. Those include the ability to delete emails right form the inbox just as easily as they can be archived. Before, users had to tap into a submenu, and now a trash icon appears right next to the checkmark for quick deleting. Inbox also now integrates with your Google Drive account, so you can insert Drive links, edit file permissions, and save email attachments from within the app.

Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated Inbox’s new delete feature. It is not the ability to set the default swipe option to delete, a feature that has existed for some time. Instead, a trash icon now appears next to the archive option.

Source: Official Gmail Blog

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