Google’s Oscar Night Ads Aim For A More Human Side Of A Tech Future

What: A pair of Oscar night ads from Google Assistant and Google Nest

Who: Google Creative Lab, Google Nest, Deutsch LA

Why we care: There’s the future in which every moment of our lives is recorded and parsed for security and advertising purposes, where we make little to no choices because, before we can, an AI algorithm has already chosen our new pair of shoes or restaurant reservations based on past choices or what every device in our home has heard us mumbling to ourselves in our sleep.

Then there’s the future Google was selling in its Oscar night ads.

In the ad for Google Assistant, we see the myriad of ways the search giant’s AI-assistant can make life easier. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen can’t be wrong, right?

For Google Nest, agency Deutsch LA put a modern twist on the prom night talk, showing how you can deliver a heartfelt parenting moment remotely from the comfort of your own office. If that doesn’t give you the tech utopian feels, nothing will. Just don’t think too hard about all those other pesky details.



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