‘H1Z1’ Pro League’s Vegas matches stream on Facebook this weekend
H1Z1‘s take on the battle royale genre may not be as popular as, say, Fortnite or PUBG, but it has something the other two don’t: an eSports tournament in Vegas. On Saturday the 21st, 75 pro players from 15 well-known teams like Echo Fox, Cloud9 and Luminosity will try to survive to the bitter end at the Twin Galaxies eSports Center, which is located just off the strip within Caesars Entertainment Studios.
The tournament will stream exclusively on Facebook at 7 PM PDT (the streamed festivities will start 45 minutes earlier), and will feature Michelle Rodriguez (Fast and Furious) and Kristine Leahy (American Ninja Warrior) as co-hosts. Alliance, GankStars, Rogue Gaming, Cloud9, Impact Gaming, SetToDestroyX, Counter Logic Gaming, Luminosity, Team SoloMid, Echo Fox, Noble Esports, Tempo Storm, Epsilon Esports, Obey Alliance, Vitality complete the list of H1Z1 Pro League teams, who will compete over the course of two 10-week splits, the second of which will occur from October to December of this year.