How Computers Have Changed The World [Infographic]

July 28, 2016

Considering the span of human history, the relatively recent major developments in computer science are downright astonishing. The binary number system was developed in 1701, paving the way for Ada Lovelace to publish the first computer algorithm in 1843. From there the Bombe Machines were developed to break the unbreakable Nazi Enigma code during World War II, leading to ENIAC, the first large-scale computer using vacuum tubes and punch cards in 1945. The biggest breakthrough of modern computing, though, came with the use of transistors and integrated circuits in the late 1950s. This allowed computers to become smaller and more affordable at an exponential rate, making them a viable business tool.


Computer science took off at a rocket’s pace during the 1960s with the invention of things like a Graphic User Interface- something we all use every day today and totally take for granted. Even the internet- something we think of as relatively recent- was first developed in the late 1960s.

As developments continued on at a breakneck pace new markets and uses for computers were developed. Suddenly computers were being used for things like manufacturing automation and daily office use. Before long computers started appearing in home offices. Then came video games and other entertainment applications. Now there’s not a single sector of the economy that isn’t affected by computer technology in some way.

There are new emerging technologies that will be game changers. Virtual reality and augmented reality are slated to be multi billion dollar industries within the next decade and will allow for unseen advancements in gaming and communications just for starters.

The technological revolution has been great for business, creating entire market sectors and propelling others into the modern era. And it all started with binary code and punch cards. Learn more about the history of Computer Science from this infographic!

How Computers Have Changed The World [Infographic]


Infographic source: Computer Science Zone

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