How to Get Started in China and Have Success

How to Get Started in China and Have Success

How to Get Started in China and Have Success |

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur from the west seeking to expand to China? Or are you interested in opening a new business in China? If yes, this article is for you. Here is how to get started in China and have success.

We will explain the five most viable business openings in China today and the five most reliable tips on how to get started in this highly-competitive market.

Which Viable Market Opportunities Can You Pursue in China?

As the affluent middle class continues to expand in China, solid economic transformations in the country are being realized day by day. The biggest beneficiaries of these transformations are multinational companies who have set up or are planning to open a shop in China.

There are now bigger and better market opportunities to pursue, more advanced industries to invest in, and more tech-intensive manufacturing opportunities to consider. China now boasts of a 50% bigger manufacturing economy as compared to the USA.

If you are looking to tap into the continued increase in high value-added production, increased globalization of the service sector, as well as the increased outbound investment in China, these five market opportunities would be lucrative enough for you.


Rising wealth often comes with an increase in lifestyle diseases. An increase in manufacturing, on the other hand, brings many environmental concerns.

These two factors have made the healthcare industry very lucrative in China. You will create a reliable cash cow if you could invest in a business that deals with herbal supplements or small health products.

There are also mainstream pharmaceutical companies and skincare products are on the rise in China.

Import and export trade.

China is currently the largest exporter of tech goods and importer of processed foods globally. That means you can build a profitable importing and exporting business here in a heartbeat.

Supplementary education.

Many middle-class Chinese are keen on improving their English and expanding their knowledge of different aspects of business and politics. If you can offer them after-school private tutoring services, you will be making impressive annual returns on a consistent basis.

Online tutoring is on the rise in China, which enables you to tutor more people in a more cost-effective way.

Food production.

Everyone needs food, and everyone loves good food. The middle-class in China is welcoming new entrants to fine food production in huge numbers.

There is a significant supply gap within this class for as long as the food is concerned. A rise in class obviously comes with a change in lifestyle, and food is at the center of every lifestyle.

Mobile phones and accessories.

The whole world has in the recent past turned to China for all its tech needs including the production of phones. It’s the nation with the largest producer and importer of affordable mobile phones and accessories.

This industry has a lot of business that would be extremely profitable — especially anything disruptive or innovative.

How to Get Started in China

As lucrative as China could be, many investors from the west talk about it with fear. Some of these foreign entrants have tried and failed. Many have struggled to find their footing in this Asian economic giant.

But what would render you unable to compete and survive here? For starters, the business environment in China is too unforgiving and the competition too stiff for the faint-hearted. Cases of language barriers, cultural differences, and bureaucratic government regulations have led to the peril of many.

In the middle of all these, how do you defy the odds and succeed in China? Here are 5 actionable tips on how to get started in China. Don’t just translate your content for China; ensure that everything about your business is localized for China.

It is important to understand and comply with all business regulations in China. The hiring process can be tricky to new entrants, which necessitates the services of a Chinese recruitment agency. Such an agency will help you with all employment laws, privileges, and remuneration.

Ensure that you understand and respect the cultural differences that exist between the west and the east.

Never underestimate the power of customer opinion in China. Let the customer tell what their experience with your product is, respect their opinion, learn from your mistakes, and ensure that you find lasting solutions to all their concerns.

As much as possible, try to work with a local partner in order to benefit from the many favors local entrepreneurs get from the government.

The post How to Get Started in China and Have Success appeared first on ReadWrite.

