How to help Turkey and Syria earthquake victims: 11 things you can do right now
More than 20,000 people have died and countless more were injured as a result of a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershock that devastated Turkey and Syria earlier this week.
The latest death toll, reported Thursday by the Wall Street Journal, is expected to keep rising as search-and-rescue crews hunt for survivors through vast stretches of rubble and debris in freezing-cold temperatures. The disaster, which leveled thousands of buildings and has an epicenter of more than 14 miles, is likely to be one of the worst to hit Turkey in almost a century.
A number of relief groups and NGOs are already on the ground to help victims, search for survivors, and aid in the area’s recovery efforts. If you’re looking for ways to help residents, families, and children impacted by the tragedy, we’ve rounded up some ways to do that below. (As a reminder, it’s always a good idea to research a group’s track record, mission statement, and reputation on resource websites like Charity Navigator or GuideStar before you donate.)
This story has been updated with additional resources and new information.