How to Plan A Small Garden at a New Home?
How to Plan A Small Garden at a New Home?
The recent effects of global warming have been very apparent. With glaciers melting and heat increasing, we can be sure that if we do not take any serious steps, we will all soon have to bear the repercussions. What is even more alarming is that even if you are not a direct contributor to global warming, you will still have to bear the consequences of a third party.
I suppose there is not really anyone who could claim to not be a contributor to this phenomenon. Each and every one of us is a contributor, intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes, we may even close our eyes to this reality on purpose to escape from the guilt that we impose on ourselves by contributing to this horrendous phenomenon. At other times, we may even believe that our mediocre acts may not harm the world in the least, but that is the very fact that people believe in as each of them does their part for global warming.
Plants and Global Warming
Widespread deforestation is one of the major reasons why global warming occurs. There are several ways that this deforestation contributes to global warming. One of the most direct reasons for this is that without lots of plants, the carbon dioxide and monoxide content in the atmosphere goes unchecked. The carbon dioxide and monoxide are harmful for the ozone layer – the layer that makes it possible for earth to support life. There have hence been instances of the ozone layer getting destroyed at places. As a result, the ultraviolet rays of the sun reach the earth with all their intensity causing surges in temperature.
Another reason for deforestation contributing to global warming is that the transpiration process, that adds to the evaporation and helps in the formation of clouds and then rainfall, is destroyed as trees are cut off. With massive deforestation, the result of this transpiration loss is felt even more and the rains completely vanish. This then leads to draughts and forest fires in several places with rising temperatures.
Another way that deforestation adds to global warming is that when trees are uprooted or cut off, the soil that the tree was holding, erodes away. This means that it becomes impossible for more trees to grow in place of those that were cut off. So, not only is there a loss of transpiration, but the hopes of any new trees to take place are also destroyed.
How Can You Help?
Given all these dangerous repercussions that deforestation leads to, don’t you think that it is imperative to make sure that we undertake more and more plantations? Do you not want to make sure that the world is in as good a condition when your children take charge as it was when you took charge? Of course, you do. So then why not actually try to take charge of the situation. So, realizing that homes are a great place to plant, many people actually try to establish small gardens at their houses. This not only gives their houses an aesthetic appeal, but also helps with all the suffocation that may be experienced inside your house in the summers. All the while you contribute in the fight against global warming.
So, How to Actually Plan a Garden in Your Home?
Although it seems very easy to plan a garden, the task is very complex. There are so many things to do and so much stuff to buy that it can bring you down both physically and financially. However, you need not do it all at once. You could decide to start small and expand overtime. This will mean that you spend slowly and gradually which does not burden your pocket as much, while you get to give more attention to your plants.
One of the first things that you need to consider when planning a garden in your home is a suitable space. You need to make sure that the space that you pick, receives adequate sunlight, is not cemented and has enough place to accommodate a garden. If it does, then you need to figure out what sort of fencing you would want. Fencing is important to make sure that no stray cats or dogs get into your garden and ruin your plants by digging the place up.
Once you have these sorted, you can start planning about what sort of a garden you want. This would involve thinking whether you want a garden with grass or just normal plants, whether you want to have flowering plants or fruit or vegetable plants, whether you are ok with having plants that have thorns. You can answer these questions once you have in mind a clear picture of what you visualize your garden as.
Once you have the questions about the place and the picture of your garden sorted, you can start thinking about what plants you actually want. This again would depend on a variety of factors, which include, whether you want plants that will last all year or those that will wither out in a season, whether you want to have more trees than plants or vice versa, whether you want to have plants that will bear flowers rather than plants that do not. All this, again, will be based upon how you picture your garden.
Next comes the most important step. You need to decide whether you actually need to hire a gardener to help you at least with the initial set up. If you do plant high maintenance plants you will need a gardener, and if you do not have enough capital, then it is suggested that you do not get high maintenance plants. But it is advised that you take the help of a gardener for initial set up since an gardener can guide you about the manure composition or the type of plants that will last all year and what pesticides to use or how often to trim your grass. All this will help you set up a great garden in your home.
About Gloria Stokes:
Gloria Stokes is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs.