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Instagram gives businesses tools to keep comments in check
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Instagram gives businesses tools to keep comments in check

Mallory Locklear, @mallorylocklear

July 25, 2017
Instagram gives businesses tools to keep comments in check |

Instagram has updated its API and is giving businesses access to content metrics as well as new tools for managing comments. Now, through the API, businesses can turn comments on and off as well as hide them. Business accounts already had access to these sorts of features already, but this is the first time Instagram has given them the ability use those features through their marketing dashboards. These changes are additional steps in Instagram’s commitment to foster a safer community and follow last month’s announcement that the site would begin using AI to root out and block offensive comments.

Last year, Instagram released a feature that allowed users to filter their comments based on certain words and let them disable comments from individual posts altogether. Figuring out how to remove abusive content is a problem that Twitter and Facebook have been working on as well and there’s some evidence that these efforts might finally be working.

To use the new Instagram API features, users will need to have a business profile and will be required to use a Facebook Login when granting access to third party tools. As of now, the new features are available to all Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partners and all other developers will be given access in the coming weeks, according to Instagram.

Source: Instagram


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