James Cameron’s ‘Alita: Battle Angel’ stars creepy CG anime eyes
James Cameron has been toying with the idea of remaking Battle Angel Alita for decades now (seriously, I wrote about it back in 2009). Now, with its first trailer, the anime adaptation finally seems to be more than a myth. It centers on a scientist (Christoph Waltz) who discovers and repairs a trashed cyborg, Alita (Rose Salazar). And, as these stories tend to go, it turns out she’s a bit of an ass-kicking powerhouse. (Her giant CG anime eyes might be enough to make her enemies cower in fear, though.)
Unfortunately, Cameron isn’t directing the film — he handed over those duties to Robert Rodriguez two years ago, after he decided the world needs several Avatar sequels. And while Rodriguez hasn’t had any huge successes lately, the trailer seems more reminiscent of the guy who made Sin City, and not the one who made Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.