Pinned June 21, 2019

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‘Journey’ creator’s Apple-exclusive ‘Sky’ officially launches July 11th
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‘Journey’ creator’s Apple-exclusive ‘Sky’ officially launches July 11th

Jon Fingas, @jonfingas

June 09, 2019

'Journey' creator's Apple-exclusive 'Sky' officially launches July 11th |


Thatgamecompany’s Sky: Children of the Light has technically been available in beta for a long time, but now it’s really, truly ready for launch… well, almost. The Journey creator’s social exploration game is now slated to reach iOS and Apple TV users on July 11th, with the App Store offering pre-orders (it’s listed as free) as we write this. If you’ll recall, this was advertised as an Apple device exclusive — don’t expect an Android counterpart to arrive any time soon.

Catch up on all the latest news from E3 2019 here!

You can expect the finished game to continuously grow with more adventures and seasonal material.

The title has you flying through seven regions to unfurl a mystery, but the real treat is your connection to the community. You can fly with others to tackle challenges or craft musical harmonies, and you can gift candles to form bonds with your fellow flyers. In that regard, it’s really an extension of Journey‘s combination of simple mechanics, stylized graphics and positive interactions.

Update 6/10 11:20AM ET: The company has clarified that it’s now an Apple-first game, not exclusive as it was characterized in the past. Android support should be coming, it’s just a question of how long it’ll remain Apple-only.

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