Keep your legal weed secure and private with this portable biometric smart safe

By Melissa Locker

Marijuana is legal for recreational use in a growing number of states, with more joining the bloc all the time. But just because you like to deal with your anxiety with a legal joint, cope with your back pain with a bong hit, or have a THC-infused cookie while you’re watching BoJack Horseman at the end of a long day, that doesn’t mean you necessarily want your kids or your in-laws to discover your stash.

Enter Trova, a super sleek portable safe that opens biometrically or through a Bluetooth app and lets you keep your latest trip to MedMen private.

The idea for a portable and secure storage unit came from Scott and Jonell Loeppert, who are based in the legal-weed trailblazing state of Colorado, and who recognized a need to keep prying eyes out of certain places. They teamed up with Aruliden, the award-winning industrial design firm in New York, to create a product that was both secure and beautiful.

The result is a chic, modern personal storage device that will make sure your kids don’t accidentally find your stash of cannabis cotton candy but is also not readily identifiable as a safe. In fact, it looks a bit like a portable battery charger. Trova wirelessly connects via Bluetooth to an app that only allows paired users to unlock it. It also uses biometric scanning to keep things safe and will notify you if the box is opened or disconnected. It even has a feature that marks a last-used location, so you don’t have to worry about it getting lost. There’s also a larger version for keeping items at home secure.

Of course, Trova doesn’t have to be used for weed. It’s also great for keeping jewelry safe at the gym, hiding your spare keys in your open-plan office, or locking up your thumb drives full of incriminating information before the drop at a still-undisclosed location.

At $249, Trova isn’t exactly cheap, but it beats having to explain mommy’s special gummy bears to your kids.

Keep your legal weed secure and private with this portable biometric smart safe |
Keep your legal weed secure and private with this portable biometric smart safe |
Keep your legal weed secure and private with this portable biometric smart safe |
Keep your legal weed secure and private with this portable biometric smart safe |
Keep your legal weed secure and private with this portable biometric smart safe |


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