Kids Expect Apple To Meld Creativity And Education, Says Its Retail chief

By Harry McCracken


The most obviously unusual thing about the education-themed extravaganza that Apple held on Tuesday was its venue: Lane Tech College Prep, a gorgeous 1930s high school building in Chicago. But another unique aspect of this product launch was the fact that it segued into an open-to-the-public evening program at Appleā€™s Michigan Avenue store, with a presentation by an award-winning teacher on using Appleā€™s Clips app in schools and a performance by rapper Towkio, a Lane Tech graduate.


The store activities were a reminder that Appleā€™s 501 retail outposts are the closest thing the company has to its own classrooms. At the Chicago store, I chatted with Angela Ahrendts, Appleā€™s senior VP of retail, and two of her colleagues, about the dayā€™s news and the storesā€™ part in it. Ahrendts told me that Steve Jobs said that the mission of retail was to enrich lives rather than merely move product. But another, she says, is education: ā€œConnecting people and humanizing technology, maybe our job is to inspire.ā€

For the past 10 months, Apple has been piloting ā€œTeacher Tuesdays,ā€ a series of sessions at Apple Stores that brings in educatorsā€”such as those honored by the companyā€™s 24-year-old Apple Distinguished Educator programā€”to share advice on using Apple device, apps, and services. Now itā€™s extending the program to all its stores globally and isnā€™t just restricting it to Tuesdays. The desire to host educational events also influenced the new retail format the company has been rolling out, which opens up far more space for gatherings: ā€œWe had to redesign the store,ā€ Ahrendts says. (That configuration makes her talk of inspiration and education feel less corny than if the establishments she oversees devoted every available inch to products for sale, like a conventional consumer-electronics store.)

Though Appleā€™s morning presentations only alluded to Googleā€™s Chromebooks a couple of times, their emphasis on kids using iPads to learn through multimedia experiencesā€”and often by creating themā€”played up an Apple core competency and an area where Chromebooks are weak. Helping students learn how to use technology to express their creativity, Ahrendts says, is a natural calling for Apple: ā€œItā€™s what kids are aleady doing on our devices, itā€™s what kids almost expect us to teach them.ā€

That philosophy is reflected in Appleā€™s new ā€œEveryone Can Createā€ curriculum, which provides teaching ideas involving music, drawing, photography, and video. It follows the two-year-old ā€œEveryone Can Codeā€ curriculum, which leverages Appleā€™s kid-oriented Swift Playgrounds programming environment. That too has been fodder for sessions at the stores: ā€œWhen we first created Swift Playgrounds, we had this retail platform thatā€™s an amazing place to teach kids to code,ā€ says Cheryl Thomas, Appleā€™s vice president of software engineering operations.

The fact that Apple chose to tackle coding and creativity as curricula subjects isnā€™t a coincidence. They sit squarely at the intersection of technology and the liberal arts, an address that Jobs was fond of referencing and that Tim Cook name-checked at the high school event. Code and creativity are ā€œboth areas where Apple has a point of view,ā€ says Susan Prescott, Appleā€™s VP of product marketing for apps, markets, and services. ā€œYou wonā€™t find us creating a biology curriculum.ā€ (Which is not to say that Apple products canā€™t be used to teach biology: The morning keynote included a look at a third-party augmented-reality frog-dissection app for the iPad.)

For me, talking with Ahrendts, Prescott, and Thomas about Apple software and services for Apple hardware in an Apple Store underlined the companyā€™s unique vertical integration, in which thereā€™s less space between product development and retail experience than with any other tech company. Part of the news at Appleā€™s event pertained to new functionality for managing iPads in a schoolroom setting with more students than devices. And though it might be tempting to interpret that as a mundane attempt to make progress in an area where Chomebooks have excelled, Ahrendts surprised me by getting excited as she talked about it. ā€œMy favorite part of the preentation this morning was about sharing the iPads in class,ā€ she says. ā€œWeā€™ve done that in Apple Stores for years. Why shouldnā€™t you do that in a classroom?ā€


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