Let’s Chat Generations: How to Communicate Via Mobile with Your Team at Work
— October 19, 2017
Mobile technology is in the business world for good. The future of employee communication relies on your ability to stay on top of changing technology and understand your team’s expectations. This means staying connected with your team isn’t as easy as you hoped.
For those taking charge in multi-generational workplaces, this is especially true because communication expectations are so widely varied. Fortunately for leaders, employees of all ages agree about at least one thing: the importance of communication at work.
However, with so many opinions about effective communication in the workplace, leaders need to be in tune with what various generations need from them. That’s why every leader needs a strong communication strategy in place that gets revisited and evaluated frequently.
Knowing what your team expects from your leaders’ communication efforts is crucial for more than simply relaying information. Transparent and communicative leaders are more capable of building trust, morale, and a positive company culture. This then enhances your team’s ability to grow in both collaboration and productivity.
To get you moving closer toward understanding each generation’s mobile communication desires, EmployeeChannel, Inc. — a leading provider of mobile apps for employee engagement and communication — compiled the infographic below.
Here’s a look inside the multi-generational workforce:
- Both millennials and Gen Z say communication is the most important quality in a leader.
- Baby boomers rated “effective communication to keep employees informed” a 4.53 out of 5 on a scale of importance.
- When asked about the future of doing all work from a mobile device, 77% of employees said they feel positive about it.
- In 2016, 87% of adults 18+ had access to a smartphone:
- 18-34: 97%
- 35-49: 94%
- 55+: 77%
Check out the full infographic below to see if you’re prepared to connect with your entire team. You may find yourself rethinking how you approach your communication strategy.
What are some other mobile communication trends affecting your workplace? Let us know!
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