Like Netflix, but with veterinarians

By Melissa Locker

June 27, 2018

As any pet owner knows, dogs always pick Friday nights at 5:30—after the vet is closed for the weekend—to introduce themselves to a bumble bee. Cats usually pick the same time to eat a Hershey’s Kiss. The only option is the emergency vet, which is pricey and time-consuming, and perhaps not even necessary if your cat isn’t allergic to chocolate.

Fuzzy Pet Health Connect is hoping to change that. It just announced the launch of a new subscription service that will let you chat with a vet from your smartphone for $10 per month, TechCrunch reports. This is the latest modern medical wonder from Fuzzy Pet Health, a subscription vet care service that has been providing the unicorn of medical care—in-home visits—to subscribers around the Bay Area for a few years now.

The new telemedicine service works over the Fuzzy Pet Health’s mobile app, so customers can text with a vet, send pictures and videos of the weird way their dog is walking, and receive real-time medical help—no waiting rooms, no shoving a cat in a carrier, and no emergency hospital bills required. This service sounds like a godsend to those of us who have watched our dogs gulp down a hair tie and have no idea whether it will pass or make like Gandalf and not pass. Now, for $10 a month you can ask a vet.

