LinkedIn To Improve Attribution With Google Campaign Manager Integration

LinkedIn To Improve Attribution With Google Campaign Manager Integration

by  @lauriesullivan, (October 29, 2018)

LinkedIn To Improve Attribution With Google Campaign Manager Integration |

LinkedIn, which Microsoft acquired in June 2016, has announced a major integration with its parent company’s rival, Google Marketing Platform, to increase the accuracy of attribution for advertising on its platform.

The company on Monday introduced Measurement with Google Campaign Manager to help marketers give proper credit to each interaction a buyer may have on a brand’s website. And measure it accurately across multiple channels.

For B2B marketers, this type of attribution has been challenging. So, Taylor Greason, product management at LinkedIn, explains in a blog post the details behind simplifying the process and better understanding the return on investment for each campaign.

Zenith U.S. is one of the first brands to use the platform. Ian Chang explains how the company saw a significant reduction in its cost-per-visitor metric once they began assigning impression tags for sponsored Content. “CPV decreased by 100%, compared to pre-implementation,” he wrote.

The integration puts reporting all in one place and gives marketers the ability to measure the path that potential customer take across different ads and websites. It aims to let marketers understand the impact of all the interactions someone has with their business on LinkedIn before they make a purchase.

It tracks the attribution for LinkedIn ads across all impressions and interactions and measures via cross device and cross platform.

“Earlier this year, we launched this integration for a few ad formats, but today – we are launching it for Sponsored Content,” Greason wrote.

When marketers activate the integration they will have the ability to see their LinkedIn ad performance in Campaign Manager and use their conversion attribution capabilities for Sponsored Content campaigns, including Video, Carousel and Lead-Gen Forms, as well as Text and “Spotlight” Dynamic Ads. Search Marketing Daily
