ListenFirst provides branded content reporting across multiple social platforms
The Branded Content Analysis Suite offers brands and publishers cross-channel analytics.

ListenFirst announced on Tuesday the launch of its Branded Content Analysis Suite tool. The platform analyzes influencer and branded content partnerships across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr — offering brands performance analytics on owned and competitive content partnership programs, while at the same time, giving media companies metrics to help win over more advertisers.
“Historically, social branded content measurement has been unstructured, with both the buy-side and sell-side lacking the proper context and industry best practices for forming their respective strategies,” said ListenFirst Chief Product Officer Jonathan Farb, “We’re bringing both advertisers and platforms a directory of all branded content partnerships across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Tumblr.”
Why we should care
There are numerous tools to help marketers keep tabs on their own influencer and branded content performance analytics, but finding cross-platform competitor data can difficult. ListenFirst is giving brands — and media companies — cross-channel analytics to determine benchmarks for branded content partnerships so that they can compare their performance against other industry sponsorships.
“By understanding how media, advertisers and their social media offerings perform across every industry, our sales team can better prospect and capitalize on sponsorships,” said AT&T’s VP of Revenue and Strategy for Original Content Gerryann Agovino. The VP reported ListenFirst’s Branded Content Analysis platform offered her team a new layer of intelligence that helped tailor their sales strategies.
Oddly enough, the company’s list of supported platforms does not include Snapchat, which has made efforts to expand its branded content offerings, including the roll-out of branded content ads for Discover partners last year.
More on the news
- Timed with the launch of the Branded Content Analysis Suite, ListenFirst also released two social branded content trends reports: one on focused on the TV industry and another focused on media publishers.
- ListenFirst partnered with Comscore in August to provide cross-platform branded content measurements for brands and media companies.
- The company was founded in 2012 as a social media analytics solution, and lists AT&T, Amazon and Disney among its client base.
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