Lotame Releases Onboarding For People-Based Ad Targeting
Lotame Releases Onboarding For People-Based Ad Targeting
by Laurie Sullivan, Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, March 15, 2017
Lotame will announce Wednesday the general availability of Lotame Onboarding, a people-based marketing service supported by LiveRamp.
The service aims to support brands and agencies like IMGE, which has been working to integrate the process into its ad-targeting strategy.
Taking offline data and bringing it online for attribution or targeting has become important to IMGE’s clients, said Matt Capristo, director of online advertising at the four-year-old digital advertising agency, which works mostly with political campaigns and corporate advocacy groups.
Onboarding, a process of taking offline data to use for online ad targeting, has picked up steam in the past three to four years, Capristo said. “The prior process was disjointed,” he said. “We had to send the file to LiveRamp, which sent it to another DMP and sent it to the buying platform.”
Success will mean cutting latency from the process and that even could mean shaving five days off the 10-day process it takes today to prepare for a campaign, he said.
The development of the product took about two months to complete. It required bringing “quite a bit of LiveRamp data” into our system, said Laura Lewellyn, senior director of market innovation at Lotame.
Lotame provides a format. Advertisers upload the file through a secure site. LiveRamp, which uses something called “identify link IDs,” uses the personally identifiable information to target ads and content.
Using the identify link IDs, Lotame links the cookies and the device-level data to make it available to marketers.
MediaPost.com: Search Marketing Daily