Marine Animals Are Suffocating On Plastic In This New Sea Shepard PSA

By Jeff Beer

April 11, 2018

What: A new PSA that takes an artistic approach to telling us that more than 1 million marine animals die every year from plastic debris.

Who: Sea Shepherd, Fred & Farid, New York

Why we care: At first it looks almost like art animation, or some Koons-ian interpretation of marine life until the shrieks and squeals of dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, and more suggest a giant plastic sheet has been pulled over the planet’s best-known ocean life.

Last year, the group worked with CNN’s Great Big Story and Wieden+Kennedy on a short doc, but here the message is short and harrowing.

It’s just the latest in a long line of awareness campaigns, trying to slap us awake to the threat our garbage is making to the planet’s ecosystem. Right now, there’s even a petition to have the UN declare the “Trash Isles” a sovereign nation.

