Marketer AdSwerve to Pay $24M for Analytics Pros’ Google Knowhow
Seattle-based Analytics Pros has sold to another Google-focused marketing company, Denver, CO-based AdSwerve, for $ 24 million in a private equity-backed deal, according to a company spokesman.
Boston-based Abry Partners funded the acquisition, and Analytics Pros will “transition” into AdSwerve in January 2019, according to a news release. Founded in 2009, Analytics Pros sells Web and mobile analytics, optimization services, search engine marketing, and various other services that are helpful for digital marketers that use Google Analytics 360 and Google Cloud. AdSwerve, meanwhile, sells services for programmatic ad buying and marketing on Google. It was also founded in 2009.
Google recently rebranded its online advertising and marketing platform. AdSwerve, with funding from Abry, is using this acquisition to position itself with services that cut across the entirety of what is now known as Google Marketing Platform, the company said in a news release. AdSwerve said the combined businesses will have 120 employees and more than $100 million in estimated gross revenue this year. The company didn’t disclose Abry’s ownership stake in it.