MediaBrix – now Receptiv – adds programmatic video marketplace and DMP
The New York City-based mobile marketer is now focused only on in-app video ads that are delivered “at the right moment.”
Mobile marketer MediaBrix is undergoing a transformation this week.
It’s now called Receptiv, a name that CEO Ari Brandt says reflects his company’s mission to provide in-app ads that are better received because they are delivered at the right moment.
It is also launching three new offerings.
First, there’s a Video Marketplace, which programmatically delivers the kind of moment-oriented interactive mobile ads that previously had been delivered through an automated managed service.
The inventory comes from about 1,300 apps that have installed the Receptiv software development kit (SDK). Five hundred of those are ready for the new Marketplace, Brandt said, and the rest soon will be.
The inventory is made available via supply-side platform SpotX, while ad bidding can be conducted through The Trade Desk’s demand-side platform.
Brandt pointed out that his company has been focused entirely on in-app video ads since the end of last year, dropping its previous inclusion of display and rich media in-app ads.
The second new offering: a first-party mobile data management platform (DMP), built around device and behavioral data obtained through the SDKs in the 1,300 apps, which reside on 250 million mobile devices.
Those data points — enhanced with info from the Census Bureau and other sources — are used to find the right moments that Receptiv looks for when it delivers ads. Brandt says that his DMP can deliver “higher demographic accuracy” than DMPs based on third-party data.
The third new piece: a managed services unit for non-standard ads, called Receptiv Solutions. It is utilized when a client wants an ad employing 360-degree video, haptics, vertical video or other emerging formats.
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