Melinda Gates pledges $1 billion to boost the ‘power and influence’ of women in the U.S.

By Harrison Weber

Melinda Gates says gender inequality in the U.S. “keeps me up at night.”

The billionaire and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation cochair said in a Times op-ed that “a window of opportunity” for women has been “painstakingly pried open,” but she warned “there is no reason to believe this moment will last forever.” Gates used the op-ed to announce she’s spending $1 billion through her investment arm, Pivotal Ventures, to fight gender inequality.

Gates said her firm set three priorities for the investment:

    “dismantling the barriers to women’s professional advancement”;

    “fast-tracking women in sectors with outsized impact on our society—like technology, media, and public office”;

    and “mobilizing shareholders, consumers, and employees to amplify external pressure on companies and organizations in need of reform.”

Calling the commitment “only a small fraction of what’s necessary,” Gates said she hoped that “others”—presumably, other billionaires—would also commit to making similar investments.


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