Missguided’s Body-Positive Mannequins Have Stretch Marks And Vitiligo
U.K. retailer Missguided scored major feel-good points last year with #MakeYourMark, a campaign featuring unretouched models, influencers, and body image activists. Now those body-positive vibes are manifesting in Missguided’s mannequins.
Featured in its London and Kent stores, the new mannequins come with varying skin tones, sketch marks, freckles, and even the skin condition vitiligo. Missguided is on the right track for inclusion in a rather clever way by shaking up its roster of mannequins, but diversity is more than skin deep. Where are the shorter mannequins? Where are the mannequins that aren’t a size zero?
It would seem like an ideal moment to introduce a wider range of mannequin sizes right along with the stretch marks and vitiligo–not unlike what Mattel did with Barbie but certainly more on topic than Dove’s abysmal curvy body wash bottles.
Not to nitpick efforts in diversity because at this point, I’m grateful for any brand to even think of something like this, but there’s more that can and should be done. Skin positivity is great, but let’s not forget about the rest of the body.KI