Mobile Apps Innovation “Miss Bongo Prix” as an Example
Mobile Apps Innovation “Miss Bongo Prix” as an Example
Millennials do have plenty of time to play with their smartphones.
Hold on, that does not mean they are addicted to spend time regardless, millennials do prefer simple apps that do things fast and accurate.
What engage millennials?
-Simple interface
-Two way communication
-Entertaining content
Millennials are choosy generation accustomed to get things faster; they are native internet generation. Which makes their expectations clear to get things on spot.
Miss Pongo Prix is taking millennials by storm because of its innovative simple app interface that allows sending SMS messages with questions and getting timely answers on spot. Some people are being highly engaged; and tend to spend more time on their mobile to do more interaction.
For an app designed by deep understanding to young generation behavior, it is not a surprise to get quick rise of adoption and utilization.
Using the app, people can send simple question through the app and Bongo bot reply with engaging messages, message replies are personal by nature, processed with help of Artificial Intelligence metrics and designed by a team of researchers to ensure accuracy and relevancy.
Miss Pongo designed to utilize people eagerness for direct personal touch, although it is an automated service, it is architected in a way to simulate two way communication between Miss Pongo app and the person behind the screen.
Disruption for Traditional Brands
Millennials are moving away from traditional brands targeting that do not speak their moral and values; they are natively integrating technology into every part of their life. Young generation move fast to things that reflect their life in positive way.
Online retail industry estimated on $2.45 trillion in 2017, is in continuous disruption by the continuous development in mistrust about traditional brands behavior of online targeting according to
Entertaining and Engaging Content is the future
Delivering entertaining content along with answering people demanding questions does create new magnet; using mobile phone options to interact and gather more information is the nature of new generation who deliberately avoid direct human contact in favor of self-controlled contact through the handset.
Those who win the new generation truly understand those dynamics and make use of it. Nothing drives businesses to lose consumer base growth more than ignorance, which is not the case with Miss Pongo Prix.
Competition Rules are changing
Cleverness of new generation is changing the game rules, their awareness of hidden costs of services is driving them to use services with clear costs attached to their actions.
Efficiency drive more results to businesses, delivering instant answers with extra useful and entertaining content has changed the perception of users. Miss Pongo Prix capitalized properly by developing a platform of deep understanding and focused motivation to provide quick solutions to people problems.
Staying ahead of competition is important, but the way you lead competition can change the game and rules. For those businesses who research trends and behavior very well, and develop measures to leverage from engagement and feedback, generating revenue become easy.
Using SMS services for digital marketing is innovative mixture of mobile usage; Miss Bongo mixed content in responsive mobile websites and utilized platforms such as Instagram to push content into handsets and make money from mobile-friendly advertisement.
Author: Jawad Alalawi
Information Technology Professional specialized in Financial Payment Services, Risk Management, Information Security, and Compliance. Experienced in solutions development and implementation, and technical writer.
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