Mother’s Day heroes: 11 ways to help moms in need right now

By Melissa Locker

While most moms love to be toasted with a mimosa at an overpriced brunch, they may also appreciate skipping $18 pancakes and heart-shaped chocolates in order to make the world a slightly better place.

On this Mother’s Day, it’s worth remembering that pregnancy and childbirth can be a matter of life or death for women who live in poverty or don’t have access to safe or affordable healthcare. And no matter where you live in the world, caring for children is a challenge, one that most moms rise to again and again despite the difficulties. So take your mom to that brunch, of course, but if you’re also looking for a gift that makes a difference this year, here are 11 great options to help moms around the world:

    Every Mother Counts (EMC): You can either purchase a gift like FarmGirl Flowers or Baked by Melissa cupcakes or donate to help mothers around the world have safe pregnancies and births.

    Global Midwife Education Foundation (GMEF): This organization helps address the root causes of maternal and infant mortality in remote, impoverished villages and works to train and supply a skilled birth attendant. Donate cash or purchase a gift to help the cause.

    Carry The Future: As refugees around the world continue to flee their homelands, this group provides critical aid to refugee families in Greece, Serbia, Jordan, Tanzania, Bangladesh, and beyond. You can support their mission by buying a gift or donating your dollars.

    International Rescue Committee: Rescue works to save lives, help break down barriers faced by women and girls, and help ensure women around the world have safe births and equitable access to healthcare. As an added bonus, from now through Mother’s Day, Airbnb will match all Rescue Gift donations, up to $500,000.

    Dress for Success: Help moms achieve their career goals and reach economic independence by helping them look polished and professional for job interviews. Donate money here or get involved here.

    Help a Mother Out: The group has a straightforward mission to increase access to diapers for families in need. Diapers cost between $80 and $100 per month, a huge expense for some families. Help them achieve their worthy goal by donating money or diapers.

    UNICEF: This group provides access to prenatal care, sends health workers to remote villages to ensure access to care, teaches HIV-positive mothers how to breastfeed, and cares for children after they are born. Donate money here. Or if you want to buy a present, head to UNICEF’s online shop to purchase items made by artisans from around the world.

    CARE: Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death among girls 15-19, and most of these deaths are preventable. CARE works in countries around the world to improve the coverage, quality, and equity of health services available to women. Peruse their gift catalog or donate cash.

    Raices: Helping reunite families at the U.S. border, by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees. Donate in honor of Mother’s Day here.

    The Osborne Association: Help incarcerated mothers reconnect with their families, whether they are still living behind bars or trying to reenter the outside world. Donate here.

    Heifer International: By providing animals to families around the world, this group provides children and families with the means of becoming self-reliant and the tools to start a small business. Heifer International works to empower women, fight poverty, and end hunger. Help out here.

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