Mozilla file sharing test wipes files after one download
The files you share online tend to linger around in the cloud. But what if you don’t like the possibility that someone might swipe your files after you’re done? Mozilla is offering an answer — it just introduced an experimental website, Send, that lets you send large files (up to 1GB) to someone without worrying that someone else might grab them. Files not only stick around for a maximum 24 hours, they disappear the moment your recipient finishes their download. You don’t have to remember to delete the file, or worry about an after-the-fact hack. This concept isn’t completely new, but the drag-and-drop simplicity combined with Mozilla’s recognition makes it intriguing.
We wouldn’t count on Send lasting forever, since it’s a test, but it’s easy to see it sticking around if it’s popular enough. And if you don’t need to shuttle large files, there are a pair of additional experiments. Voice Fill lets you speak to input text, and Notes gives you a place to quickly jot down memos without leaving your browser.