NASA just found a planet that snows sunblock

Coppertone may need to re-think its business model, because the Hubble Space Telescope has just found a blistering hot planet where it “snows” sunscreen.

Kepler-13Ab, which sits outside our solar system, rains down titanium dioxide (aka the main ingredient in sunscreen). According to NASA, the Hubble astronomers think that the planet’s atmosphere chills the titanium oxide gas, turning it into crystalline flakes that snow down free sunblock like the best SXSW brand activation ever.

The reverse spray tan situation happens only on one side of the planet, though, where it’s permanently dark. The other half of the planet faces Kepler-13Ab’s host star and it’s burning hot. Thank goodness for the sunscreen, eh? No word on whether Coppertone has commissioned a follow-up expedition yet, or whether Banana Boat beat it to the punch.


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