New LinkedIn Messaging Feature: Read Receipts

— May 11, 2017

LinkedIn has added a new feature to their message center that could either be a game changer or become an annoyance: Read Receipts. If you have an iPhone or apple product, you may be familiar with this feature. Read Receipts let you know the other person has read your message.

New LinkedIn Messaging Feature: Read Receipts

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about Read Receipts on LinkedIn (or on my phone, for that matter). I send a lot of outreach messages each week on behalf of my clients so I see the read receipts regularly. At first, I thought this feature could be good. At least I know the person I reached out to opened and read the message. It’s nice to know they are not ignoring me. …But then again, did they actually read it? And if they did read it, why didn’t they respond?

It is definitely a nice feature if the message does not require a response:

“Let’s meet at 12pm at the Starbucks in Hunt Valley.” I would assume that, if you saw this message, you’ll be there. The read receipt qualifies as an acknowledgement of the message. But when the message ends with a question, only knowing the message has been read, is not enough. There’s too much room for interpretation. Are you not interested in what I’ve said in my message? Did you read the message but not had enough time to respond? Did you just open the message so the notification would disappear? There are too many interpretations which is why I could see it becoming an annoyance.

LinkedIn automatically has this feature turned on. If you are not a fan, don’t worry, you can turn it off in your settings. To turn off Read Receipts, click on “Me,” under your photo in the top right corner. Then, click on Settings & Privacy.

New LinkedIn Messaging Feature: Read Receipts

Click on “Communications” to the right.

New LinkedIn Messaging Feature: Read Receipts

Under “Basics,” click on the last option, “Read receipts and typing indicators.” Click on the blue button to turn read receipts off.

New LinkedIn Messaging Feature: Read Receipts

Are you using the Read Recpeits? If so, do you like the feature? Try the Read Receipts out before you decide to turn them off. You never know, they could become a game changer for you.

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