Now GoPro Wants To Win Over The Risk-Averse, Too

 Kim Lightbody October 17, 2016

With new audiences key to the company’s growth—and 43% of customers confirming that content featured on the company’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts influenced their purchasing decision—GoPro has increasingly been using social media to showcase its cameras’ edge in capturing regular life, from weddings to pet tricks. Already, lifestyle footage is boasting a higher average engagement rate than sports content. (Daily mentions by GoPro’s 478 “social media influencers” haven’t hurt.) The company is also developing a slew of original programs in several categories, including sports, recognizing, for example, that couch surfers thrill to 15-foot waves, too. Here are four markets that GoPro is actively engaging.


Percentage of GoPro’s total social content (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter): 40%
Users’ favorite GoPro equipment: The Strap, which mounts a camera to an arm or leg
Targeted content: Road Trip New Zealand, a six-part skateboarding series on YouTube.

Family & Kids

Percentage of GoPro’s total social content (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter): 20%
Users’ favorite GoPro equipment: The Handler, a hand grip that stabilizes your camera and floats to the surface if you accidentally let go under water
Targeted content: Kids Save the World, a rumored upcoming video series

[Photo: Drew Goldberg]


Percentage of GoPro’s total social content (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter): 25%
Users’ favorite GoPro equipment: Head Strap plus QuickClip, which captures hands-free footage while on the go
Targeted content: Beyond Places, reportedly an upcoming show featuring global social media influencers


Percentage of GoPro’s total social content (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter): 15%
Users’ favorite GoPro equipment: Fetch, a harness that can mount a camera on a dog’s chest or back to capture its point of view
Targeted content: Instagram videos starring canine brand ambassador Loki the Wolfdog

A version of this article appeared in the November 2016 issue of Fast Company magazine.

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