Now You Can Shred Twice As Hard With These Guitars Made From Recycled Skateboards

Iron Maiden’s Steve Harris is reportedly a fan—and a customer.

Shred (verb). 1. To perform acts of great agility atop a (generally moving) skateboard. 2. To wail in a remarkable fashion upon an electric guitar.

Cool—but what if you combined both of these shredding activities? Well, then, you’d likely win some sort of Badass Nobel Prize—and you’d end up with creations of the sort made by 22-year-old Nick Pourfard, proprietor of San Francisco’s Prisma Guitars, who creates his amazing axes out of busted skateboards.

His beautiful work has gotten the attention of some of the world’s preeminent shredders: Pourfard recently made an instrument for Iron Maiden’s Steve Harris.

“I took every detail of his playing style and aesthetic into consideration,” Pourfard told Colossal. “I laser cut a custom mirror pickguard and bound the whole body in black and white to pay homage to his classic original bass.”

via: Colossal

[Photos: via Prisma Guitars]















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