NTT is developing the ‘world’s fastest wireless communication technology’
By Kolawole Samuel Adebayo
Tokyo-based telecommunications giant NTT Corporation announced today it’s developing a technology to power the world’s fastest radio wave propagation—to provide devices with lightning-fast wireless communication. NTT’s innovation—done in collaboration with Tokyo Denki University—is spurred in part by the increasing demands for high-speed, low-latency network connections between communication endpoints, as well as the continued rise in data usage and information flow.
As devices become increasingly connected, especially as the Internet of Things gains more ground, the need for speedy connection is at an all-time high. This is the problem that NTT aims to solve; the company claims its new technology will “reduce radio wave propagation simulation calculations from over 10,000 years to less than a second.” These nearly-instant radio wave propagation estimates will have huge implications for 6G rollout—yes, it’s coming—and sensing technologies, as well as energy consumption.
While Kazuhiro Gomi, president and CEO of NTT’s R&D arm, NTT Research, admits there’s not yet a concrete timeline for commercializing this technology (which essentially revamps how radio signals travel), he tells Fast Company that it unlocks the possibility of faster wireless communication deployment, which could have untold positive implications for mobile services, automation, energy efficiency, and more. “Essentially, reducing the time it takes to simulate radio signal propagation and propagation loss means transmitter-to-sensor-equipped technologies can operate significantly faster and more reliably in dynamic locations,” he says.
NTT’s radio wave propagation simulation technology represents the next step in the realization of its Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN), as the company—alongside Intel and Sony—prepares a proof-of-concept for its ultra-high-speed, ultra-low-latency network.
Redefining wireless communication
While 5G networks have so far redefined high-speed wireless communications, a report from research firm Gartner estimates that “by 2025, wireless communication over 50% of enterprise wireless endpoints will use network services beyond the confines of communication.” In addition, Gartner notes that “wireless communication will be deployed in the sensing environment, power generation and use by emergency services to locate people in distress.” Simply put: As the years roll by, everyone across all types of industries will need high-speed connection. These challenges, according to NTT, have heightened the need for the realization of new communication infrastructure to meet the data and information processing demands of the coming era—which, arguably, has already begun.
NTT’s drive to redefine wireless communication area estimation comes on the heels of its quest to promote high-capacity, low-latency, and energy-efficient communications, which the company claims are “basic requirements for the fast-approaching 6G/IOWN era.” As the need to design, control, and ensure quality wireless communication area based on radio waves becomes critical, wireless systems require a mix of stringent and, oftentimes, complex conditions to function effectively.
A radio signal is typically relayed from a radio transmitter, and for it to be high quality, the receiving device should ideally be above a certain level to capture the signal propagated into space. “When there is a direct line of sight between the transmitter and receiver, the level of radio waves is high and can be received,” says Gomi. The problem? If there is no direct line of sight, the transmission becomes negatively impacted due to distortion in the radio signal. According to Gomi, NTT’s tech “enable[s] advanced simulations that take radio wave loss into account,” which allow for high-quality and accurate wireless communication area estimation.
Additionally, Gomi says this technology makes it possible to accurately estimate and understand the quality of wireless systems in complex environments like industrial use cases, where sensors and robots built with wireless systems are in constant motion while the layout of products changes from moment to moment. “Maintaining stable communication quality in each wireless system that connects various devices in a complex environment requires highly accurate radio wave propagation simulation that can quickly respond to changing conditions,” he says. In effect, this will rapidly improve network stability across several use cases and immensely contribute to the development of new wireless services.
“It will take IoT, 5G, 6G, and edge compute to the next level,” he adds.
Gomi also notes that NTT will continue to improve the algorithm and verify the operation of this model in real-life situations to create new use cases and services.