Online Gaming: The Time Has Arrived
Online Gaming: The Time Has Arrived Review, Edited by Proper Guide
You would have to have been living under a rock to not have seen the technological advancements taking place all around you. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and it has had an effect on almost every industry worldwide.
Some companies have readily adapted to the drastic technological advancements and used them to their advantage. Some examples of companies that have become game changers in their industry through technology are:
- Ubers emergence on the scene using their online app has had a massive effect on the taxi and transport industry – with many taxi and bus companies reporting massive annual losses
- iTunes has had an impact on CD and singles sales, in the same way Amazon and the kindle have influenced their industry
- Airbnb has blown the property industry out the water with their innovative way of dealing with property rentals online throughout the world
- Netflix, Popcorn Time and other streaming services have decreased the overall percentage of users that are getting cable TV or renting out DVDs
These are just some of the many millions of examples that show companies using the technological revolution to their advantage and getting the better of their competitors. Online learning, courses, travel companies (like TripAdvisor), real estate and online shopping companies have really managed to kept up with the times and their industries have evolved incredibly.
Other industries have been a bit slow off the mark however when it comes to embracing the age of the Internet and one of these industries is the casino and gambling world. Online gambling has taken a long while to put itself out there in an accessible manner and thus it has only started to pick up in the last few years. Europe in particular has seen a massive increase in the number of users of online gambling and casino companies. According to Forbes Online “online gaming used to mainly attract younger men, but that demographic group has expanded to include both women and older age groups. Since 2004, women’s share of Internet users between the ages of 16 and 74 in Europe has increased by more than 80%, while the same age group for men has seen an increase of 60%”.
Online gambling has been welcomed and embraces across most of the world and many countries have started to develop and invest in the industry – creating jobs, charging tax and implementing rules and regulations on the industry. The US so far has struggled to accept the concept of online gaming, but slowly states such as New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware began legalizing intrastate online gambling. This has tipped the scale and many states have jumped on the proverbial online gambling band wagon. In fact according to Statista, the online gambling industry is set to bring in $56.05 billion dollars in 2018.
The opposition to online gambling in the states mainly stems from the wealthy business owners that are already in the industry. Many of them believe that the rise of online gambling will have a profound effect on their businesses. Instead of branching out into online gambling to complement their actual casinos – most have simply opposed the industry. A billionaire casino owner from Las Vegas set up a group called Coalition to Stop Online Gambling in order to try halt the emergence of the industry and to eliminate his competition.
The fact of the matter is that the technological revolution is here to stay and things will only progress further. Online gambling is set to become a huge industry worldwide and as the many free bingo, no deposit sites there are online show us, there really is no stopping the industry.
Concerns when it comes to online gambling includes age restrictions, geographical restrictions and the issue of easy accessibility leading to higher addiction rates in younger generations. However, the group overlooks the benefits of job creation, innovation and tax income that will be generated from the industry, and most states are using technology to ensure that players meet the minimum age requirements and things like geolocations to make sure that players are not taking part in online gambling from out of state.
While there are still concerns about addiction, there is not much in the way of empirical evidence to support the claims.
The online gaming is one industry to keep an eye on, and in all likeliness is going to be setting records for the next couple of years.
Editor: Proper Guide