People are not happy about 4 Oscars to be handed out during commercial breaks

By Joe Berkowitz

The Oscars telecast is too long and everybody knows it. Some would prefer a half-hour shaved off, others much more, but very few viewers seem to think it’s perfect the way it is every year or could stand to be longer. On Monday, however, the Academy unveiled its latest attempt at shortening the show–handing out awards for cinematography, editing, live-action short, and makeup during a commercial break–and the news is not going over very well.

Legions of cinephiles are venting their outrage on Twitter. As this thread from “film archaeologist” Rhett Bartlett helpfully demonstrates, relegating these awards to a planned highlight reel toward the end of the telecast might rob viewers of dramatic or important moments. (For example, cinematography godhead and veteran runner-up Roger Deakins finally won last year, for Blade Runner 2049.)

It’s not just fans and students of film who are upset. Several famous filmmakers are condemning the decision on and off Twitter. And truly, who can blame them? Any director worth her salt would do well to have an editor or cinematographer know she’s willing to go to bat for them.

Below are some of the strongest reactions from famous filmmakers to emerge yet.

Although the Academy insists that these four awards will definitely be handed out in the normal fashion next year, with four to six other categories getting short shrift instead, perhaps they will reconsider the decision for this year’s telecast if the backlash persists.

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