People are ready to have robots as their managers
We know that robots won’t completely eliminate our jobs (only about 5%, according to recent research), but a new study by Oracle and Future Workplace of 1,320 U.S. HR leaders and employees found that an overwhelming majority (93%) would trust orders from a robot.
That’s easy to say because currently, this is theoretical in the workplace. Although plenty of people (70%according to this study) are using AI in some way at home (hello Google and Alexa!) the rate of adoption at work is still very low. Only 6% of HR professionals and 24% of employees are actively using it.
More than half put their trust in AI because they believe it will make operations more efficient, and help make decisions faster. As many as 45% of employees believe it will significantly reduce costs.
Unfortunately, many believe they will be playing catch-up to earn the skills needed to work with AI. Seventy-two percent of HR leaders noted that their organization does not provide any form of AI training program.