Perion launches cookieless identity solution

A new audience targeting solution groups cohorts by common traits.

SORT (Smart Optimization of Responsive Traits) is a new privacy-conscious, cookieless identity resolution technology from Perio Network, a global ad tech company focused on search, social, display and CTV/video advertising. It joins a growing number of proposed alternatives to tracking consumers with third-party cookies. SORT will initially be offered by the Perion company Undertone.

SORT uses AI to aggregate “common ground” traits that identify scalable target audiences based on a range of real-time data signals. It identifies similarities between users and creates groups which are fluid with users continually moving between them (an example of a group would be consumers in New York who are reading entertainment content on an iPhone on a Saturday morning).SORT delivers advertising that matches their interests with publishers’ contextual inventories. Advertisers will be able to display a SORT Signal to indicate that they are being targeted in a non-invasive way.

The announcement comes with some data on SORT’s effectiveness, audited by Neutronian, and independent data quality certification service. Preliminary data showed indications that SORT could out-perform cookie-based targeting.

Why we care. Back in August, we noted some debate within Google about whether cohorts (as in Federated Learning of Cohorts — FLoC — might be better replaced by topics. SORT seems to be developing cohorts but based on a number of contextual signals rather than just the topic of the content that is being consumed.

Also, SORT, of course, can run outside the Google eco-system.

Perion launches cookieless identity solution |

Snapshot: Identity resolution platforms

The most successful digital marketing strategies rely on knowing your potential customer. Knowing what they’re interested in, what they’ve purchased before—even what demographic group they belong to—is essential. The foundational technologies that help marketers target these segments are called identity resolution platforms.

Identity resolution technology connects a growing number of identifiers to one individual. It draws this valuable data from the various channels and devices they interact with, such as connected speakers, home management solutions, smart TVs, and wearable devices. And these consumer adoptions continue to rise. The number of devices connected to IP networks is expected to climb to more than three times the global population by 2023, according to the Cisco Annual Internet Report.

Consumer expectations are also higher than ever. More people expect relevant brand experiences across each stage of their buying journeys. One-size-fits-all marketing doesn’t work; buyers know what information sellers should have and how they should use it.

Identifying consumers has been challenging for marketers. 71% of brand marketers struggle to maintain an accurate consumer identity over time, according to a study from Forrester. Inaccurate targeting wastes campaign spend and fails to generate results.

The post Perion launches cookieless identity solution appeared first on MarTech.


About The Author

Kim Davis is the Editorial Director of MarTech. Born in London, but a New Yorker for over two decades, Kim started covering enterprise software ten years ago. His experience encompasses SaaS for the enterprise, digital- ad data-driven urban planning, and applications of SaaS, digital technology, and data in the marketing space. He first wrote about marketing technology as editor of Haymarket’s The Hub, a dedicated marketing tech website, which subsequently became a channel on the established direct marketing brand DMN. Kim joined DMN proper in 2016, as a senior editor, becoming Executive Editor, then Editor-in-Chief a position he held until January 2020. Prior to working in tech journalism, Kim was Associate Editor at a New York Times hyper-local news site, The Local: East Village, and has previously worked as an editor of an academic publication, and as a music journalist. He has written hundreds of New York restaurant reviews for a personal blog, and has been an occasional guest contributor to Eater.
