Photos Of People Taking Photos With Selfie Sticks: Meta Or Most Meta?
The selfie stick crazed are documented in Alexander Short’s photo series.
It’s said that you can get used to anything, but it’s hard to imagine ever looking out on a crowd of selfie stick users without at least giggling. And due to the obvious safety concerns that come with waving a metal stick in the middle of a crowd, they’ve even been banned at music festivals and theme parks.
But as anyone who lives near a tourist attraction knows, most people are hardly discouraged by these developments. Selfie sticks continue to be used enthusiastically everywhere from waterfalls to graduation ceremonies. Photographer Ander Short captures the absurdity of the selfie stick in his series Take a Good Look at Yourself. There’s a lot going on in these photos, but probably most amusing is that all these people are doing exactly what Short’s title implies: focusing on their own faces instead of the gorgeous scenery behind them. But we’re not judging…just as long as they watch where they point that thing.
[via It’s Nice That]
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