PMX Agency Rebrands, Aids Integration Efforts

by , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, July 15, 2016

PMX Agency Rebrands, Aids Integration Efforts

PMX Agency rebranded in June by combining the agencies PM Digital and Paradysz. The agency didn’t change operations or add new services, but it did work to help brands understand how to integrate media channels, online and offline.

“We needed to go to market as one brand,” CMO Mary Beth Keelty said.

Authenticity counts even when agencies are building relationships with brands. The motto seems to be: Do what you do, not what you say to do.

While Paradysz focused on direct mail and offline advertising, PM Digital focused on search, display and social online advertising. Clients were looking to understand their options.

“We didn’t want to lose our brand recognition, which is why we stayed with PM,” Keelty said. “We had a detailed plan to run our own paid media programs to make sure we don’t lose any of the traffic coming to the Web site.”

PMX worked with Brand Value Advisors, a brand strategy company in New York, to create the story and developed the creatives in-house.  The agency also got a new Web site.

Initially, PM Digital focused on paid search in retail, but as the company grew, display and social were added.

A recent back-to-school trend report from PMX analyzing trends from for the K-12 and the college markets shows search, paid and organic query results remain the focus of campaigns, but social media steps in to help influence purchases.  

For example, 87% of millennials have a phone with them at all times, including when shopping in stores. These phones have a social lifeline, so consumers are checking reviews and opinions of others as  they search online for information and in stores for merchandise.

Marketers can download the findings here. Search Marketing Daily
