Pokemon GO: How to Calculate IV From the New Appraisal Feature
Pokemon GO: How to Calculate IV From the New Appraisal Feature
The latest Pokemon update brought in a new feature. The Appraisal feature is a type of in-game Individual Value (IV) calculator. When you select Pokemon for appraisal, you get to see the details shared by your Trainer regarding how good your Pokemon will fare in a battle and also get info about its stats. But given the sentences displayed in the appraisal feature, how can you deduce how good your Pokemon’s IV is? Let’s help you with that!
How to Calculate IV From the New Appraisal Feature
As reported by heavy.com, and as we reiterate here, the new trainer appraisal feature may not be as accurate as some IV calculators that let you figure out a range for your Pokemon’s IV. But it does give you a basic understanding of where your Pokemon’s IV stands and how it will fare in a battle.
As reported by players on Reddit, the IV for each team can be interpreted in the following ways –
Team Mystic Appraisal & IV
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!” — IV 81% to 100%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) has certainly caught my attention” — IV 67% to 80%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) is above average” — IV 51% to 66%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) is not likely to make much headway in battle.” — IV 0% to 50%
Team Instinct Appraisal & IV
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) looks like it can really battle with the best of them! — IV 81% to 100%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) is really strong!” — IV 66% to 80%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) is pretty decent!” — It’s not clear yet exactly which IV this pertains to, but compared to Team Valor’s decent, it likely means 51% to 66%.
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) has room for improvement as far as battling goes.” — 0% to 50%
Team Valor Appraisal & IV
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!” — IV 81% to 100%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud! — IV 67% to 80%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) is a decent Pokemon.” — IV 51% to 66%
- “Overall, your (Pokemon) may not be great in battle, but I still like it!” — IV 0% to 50%
Sometimes the sentences can be misleading. A user by name lunarual warned on Reddit that messages like “It’s stats exceed my calculations” may be too far-fetched and misleading. This doesn’t mean that your Pokemon IV is perfect. What it means is that one of the IVs is high and the others are still low. Let’s take an example to better understand the messages. Omanyte at 51 percent (15/17) had the following message –
This does not mean that your Omanyt’s IV score is perfect. Whenever your team leader tells you which attribute – attack, HP or defense – is best followed by “It’s matched equally by…”, all it means is that those attributes have the exact same stats.
This method of giving players info about Pokemon’s stat isn’t new. Stat judges were part of Generation III and were introduced to read IV and ranges of selected Pokemon. A total IV of 151 to 186 in Gen III translates to “wonderfully outstanding in ability”.
The post Pokemon GO: How to Calculate IV From the New Appraisal Feature appeared first on MobiPicker.