Pinned December 4, 2017

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‘Pokémon Go’ legendary Ho-Oh is catchable for limited time
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‘Pokémon Go’ legendary Ho-Oh is catchable for limited time

Saqib Shah, @eightiethmnt

November 28, 2017
'Pokémon Go' legendary Ho-Oh is catchable for limited time |
Pokémon Go

After amassing 500 million Pokémon in less than 48 hours, Pokémon Go players seemed primed to smash the Global Catch Challenge to nab 3 billion pocket monsters. Sure enough, they did, and (as promised) Niantic made region-locked Pokémon Farfetch’d available globally for two days. As it turns out, that wasn’t the only reward the developer was planning. It’s now making Ho-Oh, one of the Johto region’s two legendary Pokémon, up for grabs in Raid Battles worldwide until December 12th.

As usual, you’ll need a full squad of 20 trainers to stand a decent chance of catching the super-strong pocket monster. Niantic’s fresh changes to Raid battles, and with them the introduction of better prizes, should come in handy too.

Source: Pokémon Go


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