Pokemon Go Update: Exclusive Trading Likely To Become Part of The Game, New Evidence

Pokemon Go Update: Exclusive Trading Likely To Become Part of The Game, New Evidence

Pokemon Go is going through a lot of amazing changes and a lot of new things are becoming part of the game. We recently heard the news of Shiny Pokemon development and possible inclusion to the game along with a new Nest Migration. It seems like the series of astonishments hasn’t stopped yet.

Pokemon Go Update: Exclusive Trading Likely To Become Part of The Game, New Evidence

While fans received reports of the Gym revamps and the Legendary Pokemon launch in the coming summer season. A new rumor is one of the most exciting things you’ll ever hear about the game.

According to SlashGear, an anonymous source says that Nintendo is planning to launch a new smartphone in near future. The rumor suggests that the new Nintendo Smartphone will have an inbuilt exclusive Pokemon Go feature.

According to this source, the upcoming Pokemon Go exclusive trading feature will only be available via this Smartphone. However, Nintendo has yet to confirm all these news.

Slashgear further explains that-

“This anonymous and probably institutionalized tipster suggests that while Pokemon Trading will require a Nintendo Phone.

While we have discussed a Nintendo Phone before, never before have we heard that it’ll be required to execute certain functions in a game.

Of course, previous Pokemon games required a certain piece of hardware to trade… but so did the games themselves.

I can’t imagine using a special cable – like was required for the GameBoy to trade. It would be functionally appropriate here in the present.”

It’s true that Nintendo is slowly making its way into the smartphone games world. But, it seems very much unlikely that Nintendo will team up with another manufacturer, build and launch a new product so soon after the launch of Nintendo Switch.

Pokemon Go Update: Exclusive Trading Likely To Become Part of The Game, New Evidence

In addition, Niantic has spoken a lot about the idea of Trading in Pokemon Go. But, they are still looking for ways to launch this new exclusive feature. If the trading feature launches in a wrong fashion, it can cause some serious problems.

Hopefully, players will soon be enjoying the new exclusive trading feature in Pokemon Go. All the other promised things are going to be part of the game soon as well. Let’s see what comes out next.

The post Pokemon Go Update: Exclusive Trading Likely To Become Part of The Game, New Evidence appeared first on MobiPicker.

