Polishing Up Your Resume for the New Year
— December 20, 2017

Brokoola / Pixabay
Another year is quickly winding down. That means 2018 is almost here. Whether you’re in the midst of a job search, getting ready to start looking come January, or content with your current job, the New Year is a great time to update your resume. It’s always good to have an up-to-date version for any opportunities that may arise. Plus, regular maintenance on your resume means less work to do later when you’re getting ready to send it off.
Here are a few areas to revise for the new year:
- Metrics/Numbers
For many companies, a new year means a new quarter or fiscal calendar begins. Review the progress you’ve made over the past year and update any numbers on your resume. This could include percentages, dollar amounts, number of accounts you manage, number of calls you field, or anything else. Make sure the data you’re providing is current.
- Education
Have you taken any training or certification courses this year? Completed licensure? Enrolled in a degree program? Reflect your commitment to professional development on your resume. Also, if it’s been several years since you’ve graduated, consider removing unnecessary details such as your GPA, courses you took, or clubs you were in.
- Professional Experience
Whether you choose to accept it or not, the year 2000 was now 18 years ago, even though sometimes it feels like (December 20, 2017). A rule of thumb for resumes is to elaborate on the past 10-15 years. Ten years ago was 2008. If your resume is elaborating on a series of jobs that you held in the early 2000s or before, it’s time to start paring them down and focusing on more recent experience. This can also help with managing the length of your resume.
- Online Presence
Society is more inundated with digital technology than ever before. More employers are turning to ATS, LinkedIn, and other online systems to recruit, screen, and sort applicants. As you update your resume, also take the time to review your online presence. Make sure your LinkedIn profile or online portfolio aligns with what you have on your resume. Remove any questionable photos or information from your social media profiles, or make sure your privacy settings are adjusted accordingly.
Also, take the time to increase your presence by becoming more involved with things happening in your industry. Share articles or write your own. Engage in discussions on LinkedIn or Facebook. Follow leaders in the field on Twitter. Create a positive online presence for when hiring managers start searching.
- Proofread
Go over your resume multiple times to ensure that you haven’t made any spelling or grammar gaffes. Have friends or family review it as well for anything you may have missed. You don’t want a simple error to give a hiring manager a poor first impression.
Make sure your resume is current with what hiring managers are looking for and what your most recent accomplishments are.
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