Preventing Professional FOMO [Infographic]
— November 6, 2017
FOMO is something you don’t think about in the professional world most of the time, but thanks to the greater connectedness of professionals through social media platforms like LinkedIn more professionals are experiencing the fear of missing out. Even when you travel to a conference FOMO can strike where you least expect it. Have you ever wanted to go to two seminars at a conference that were being held at the same time? You have experienced professional FOMO, and thankfully the technology to prevent it is being more widely adopted.
More people than ever are attending live events, from music festivals to professional conferences. Millennials overwhelmingly report that they like to attend live events because it makes them feel more connected to friends and colleagues. It’s all too easy to feel disconnected in today’s digital world where it seems that most relationships are happening online and face to face interaction is becoming more rare. This could be the main reason behind the increase in live event attendance.
But even when you go to a live event like a conference or networking event you could find yourself missing out. This is where technology enters in. Livestreaming can keep you in the loop when you get too tired to continue and need to rest, and podcasts can help keep you in the loop when you have to make the difficult decision to attend one event or the other taking place at the same time.
The FOMO cycle can be vicious – maybe you see your colleagues doing things on social media, feel bad that you aren’t there, and resolve to do more things just to keep up with the Joneses. Or maybe you just want to do all the things and have discovered you can’t clone yourself. Whatever the reason you find yourself experiencing FOMO, tech can help. Learn more from this infographic.
Infographic source: Evia Events
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