Project Scorpio’s Compatibility with Xbox One can Limit How Its Technology is Utilized, Says The Metronomicon Dev

Project Scorpio’s Compatibility with Xbox One can Limit How Its Technology is Utilized, Says The Metronomicon Dev

The new Xbox Scorpio is rising up as one of the most powerful and reliable consoles ever created. Every day, new information is coming out about the Scorpio and it sheds light on what the developers actually think about it. Scorpio is no doubt a powerful machine that leaves Xbox One far behind in the race.

Project Scorpio’s Compatibility with Xbox One can Limit How Its Technology is Utilized, Says The Metronomicon Dev

In Microsoft’s views, Scorpio is just an extension to the Xbox One and it belongs to the same family of machines. That’s why they mainly insist on keeping Scorpio under the Xbox One flag. This actually strengthens Microsoft’s claims of all of its games to be compatible with both of the consoles. On the other hand, it limits all the developers of utilizing the actual power of the Scorpio.

Danny Garfield from Kasedo Games portrays it nicely in his words. Garfield is currently working of The Metronomicon. He recently appeared in an interview with GamingBolt and he said that


“I think id does curtain some ability to take full advantage of all the new tech.

Unavoidably, a great many devs will always aim to make their game cross-compatible in the easiest ways. The AAA guys, and plenty of others will be more aggressive, and try to stand out from the pack on tech more. But, by and large, we’ll always have to support the original Xbox, which, for many, will mean an easiest road.”

One thing that will allow all the developers to take full advantage of Scorpio’s power is if Microsoft allows them to make Xbox Scorpio Exclusives. This way the developers will be able to leverage all of Xbox Scorpio’s power. Microsoft seems to have no plans for that yet. But in future, if they allow the developers to make the exclusives. It’ll be a rewarding experience for Microsoft, users of Scorpio, and the game developers.

There is an Xbox Scorpio big reveal coming in on the E3 gaming Expo. Hopefully, that will bring some good news about it all.

Source: GamingBolt

The post Project Scorpio’s Compatibility with Xbox One can Limit How Its Technology is Utilized, Says The Metronomicon Dev appeared first on MobiPicker.

