Pinned April 23, 2018

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Read Mark Zuckerberg’s media Q&A on data security
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Read Mark Zuckerberg’s media Q&A on data security

Mallory Locklear, @mallorylocklear

April 05, 2018 
Read Mark Zuckerberg's media Q and A on data security |

(April 20, 2018), Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hosted a call with the media in which he spoke about the Cambridge Analytica situation and how Facebook is working to protect its users’ data going forward. The transcript of that call, including the Q&A that took place after Zuckerberg made his opening remarks, is now available online. The company has posted it as part of its “Hard Questions” series, which has previously tackled subjects like whether social media is good for mental health and democracy, how Facebook counters terrorism and hate speech.

You can read our summary of the call here. During it, Zuckerberg talked about some of the changes Facebook has made recently regarding how it manages its users’ data and emphasized that the company is taking the many major elections going on worldwide this year very seriously. Zuckerberg was apologetic throughout the call and stated that no one had been fired at Facebook over Cambridge Analytica.

Zuckerberg is scheduled to testify before Congress on April 11th. You can read the transcript of (April 20, 2018)’s call here.

Source: Facebook

