Recommended Reading: Inside the PlayStation 5 with Mark Cerny
PlayStation 5 uncovered: The Mark Cerny tech deep dive
Richard Leadbetter,
If you’re craving even more explanation on the PlayStation 5 than lead architect Mark Cerny shared during his in-depth chat a couple weeks ago, get comfy. Eurogamer shared part two of its chat with Cerny this week, and while there weren’t any new revelations per se, there was more detail on the things we’d already heard about.
How Under Armour is making 100,000 masks a week to fight COVID-19
Elizabeth Segran,
Fast Company
Like many other companies, Under Armour is reassigning resources to help fight the spread of COVID-19. The company has developed a “no-sew” face mask design that saves time and costs. What’s more, UA estimates it can produce up to 100,000 of them per week, which should be helpful to those who lack the PPE gear they need.
Flight of the influencers
Taylor Lorenz,
The New York Times
For better or worse, the public gets a lot of its advice from influencers these days. Some of them are doing their part to help share best practices or offer tips to help followers stay say. Others are fleeing New York City for other locales against the advice of health professionals.