Pinned July 8, 2020

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Recommended Reading: When facial recognition identifies the wrong person
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Recommended Reading: When facial recognition identifies the wrong person

Billy Steele

June 27, 2020

Wrongfully accused by an algorithm

Kashmir Hill, The New York Times

Law enforcement at all levels are employing facial recognition for a variety of things. There are a number of issues with the technology and its uses for identifying potential suspects, and now you can add what some experts say is the first case of someone being inaccurately ID’d by an algorithm to the long list of criticisms.

What big tech wants out of the pandemic

Franklin Foer, The Atlantic

When the US and countries around the world began to shut down, tech companies of all sizes announced plans to help. From donations to converting production lines for supplies and developing contact-tracing software, a large chunk of the industry offered to lend a hand. But were all of these companies a little too eager to help? The Atlantic explains the motives.

Why Slack’s CEO doesn’t want to ‘kill email’

Arielle Pardes, Wired

Slack made a lot of companies happy this week when it announced that up to 20 different organizations could chat in the same channel. While it may sound like work email could soon be a relic of the past, Slack’s CEO isn’t ready to replace your inbox just yet.

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