Report: Hillary Clinton didn’t fire a 2008 campaign adviser accused of sexual harassment
A New York Times report today claims that Hillary Clinton kept a senior adviser, Burns Strider, on her 2008 campaign after he was accused of repeatedly sexually harassing a 30-year-old woman who worked under him. This was despite the fact that Clinton’s campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, suggested that she fire him. The allegations against Strider included inappropriate emails and physical contact.
Doyle and other senior campaign officials were “troubled” that Clinton didn’t dismiss Strider, the Times writes. But Strider was simply asked to get counseling and did not receive pay for several weeks, while the woman who made the accusations was transferred to a different job.
As it turns out, Clinton’s relationship with him didn’t end there: Strider was hired five years later to help run Correct the Record, a super PAC that supported Clinton’s 2016 campaign. He was fired after a few months due to “workplace issues,” according to the Times, in part because of allegations that he harassed a female aide.
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