Report Says More Marketers Are Requesting Ratings Verification
by Tobi Elkin @tobielkin, August 1, 2016
Videology on Monday said that 41% of customers’ campaigns that ran on its platform in Q2 requested ratings verification from a third-party measurement provider, such as Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings, or comScore’s validated Campaign Essentials (vCE). The finding, part of the ad tech firm’s Q2 2016 U.S. Video At-A-Glance report, marks a 115% increase from the 19% of campaigns requesting ratings verification three years ago in Q2 2013.
Videology, which provides software for converged TV and video advertising, also found that more marketers are recognizing the importance of in-demo campaign delivery, a metric that stems from traditional methods of non-programmatic TV buying.
On the cross-screen front, the report found that cross-screen advertising saw a 20% year-over-year increase (compared to Q2 2015), with the majority of activity consisting of combined PC, mobile, and connected TV placements. Campaigns that used a computer alone, made up just 12% vs. 25% a year ago.
The report found that 14% of digital video campaigns that ran on Videology’s platform in Q2 2016 used TV data segments — segmenting users according to such criteria as if they watched the advertiser’s TV schedule, a competitor’s TV schedule, or news programming — to target their digital video campaigns. Beyond TV segments, advertisers used demographic data (100%), geographic data (68%), and consumer behavioral attributes (63%).
In addition, of all campaigns that ran in Q2, Videology said 43% used viewable rate as an objective. Of the campaigns, 89% chose to measure viewability using the Media Ratings Council standard (50% of pixels on screen for at least two consecutive seconds). The additional 11% chose to use their own custom standard for determining if an ad was viewable.
“As TV and digital video converge, we’re seeing more and more signs pointing to a common mindset across the two worlds. In this quarter, we saw a big increase in campaigns using programmatic TV capabilities to serve campaigns on linear television. We’ve also seen a big increase in the number of campaigns that are measuring digital video for in-demo delivery, traditionally a focus for TV delivery, as well as the number of advertisers using TV segments to target their digital campaigns,” Scott Ferber, Founder and CEO, Videology, told Real-Time Daily via email. Search Marketing Daily