Responses to this Uber attack ad are perfect

By Eillie Anzilotti

New York City is on the brink of becoming the first metro area in the United States to impose restrictions on the number of Uber vehicles roaming the streets. The New York City Council, citing concerns that the exponential growth of ride-hailing services has substantially contributed to the city’s horrific traffic congestion and low driver pay, will soon vote on legislation that would set a limit to the number of cars platforms like Uber can deploy throughout the city.


Unsurprisingly, Uber is pushing back. The company has launched a Twitter campaign urging its customers to fight the City Council proposal:

But New Yorkers, to say the least, are not feeling it. The spate of responses to Uber’s tweet, posted (August 08, 2018), range from blaming the company for the city’s steadily worsening traffic to accusing it of trying to obstruct the democratic process. One Twitter user even thanked Uber for informing them of the forthcoming legislation, saying the ad encouraged him to call his councilmember and urge them to pass it.

Here’s a choice selection:

And while they’re at it, New Yorkers are also not passing up the opportunity to tell Uber to treat its workers fairly and offer them benefits. Looks like Uber should brace itself for some restrictions in New York sooner rather than later.



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